Few days before graduation. Its really like a dream. Close and open eyes and here it is! I really had finish my studies finally, and suddenly I want to recall how it began..
I start my education at kindergarten school.. To be honest, at that time I am very lazy. Lazy to wake up in the morning, lazy to take a bath, lazy to go to school, and etc. The truth is, I only be in kindergarten for 6 months.. ahakz! My mom try everything to kick away that lazy, but it just a waste until she use "it".. What is "it" ?? I give clues, I hate "it" very2 much!! Fellow frens, can guess that?? But ironically, bcoz of "it" I think I can finish my studies like this.. So, even I hate "it", thanx to "it" !!
Then I enter standard one. At that time, I already throw away that lazy but I got a new fren call naughty.. For me it is normal like malay words say " bese r, budak2" So bcoz of that naughty, teachers know me very well.. But bcoz of "that", I stop being naughty. There is an incident that make my feet bleeding and it really scary at that time. Luckily my top student in class aka my class monitor help me. After that, I start to being nice + I realize one thing: my class monitor is really cute actually =P
That cute class monitor left my school later and her stories end like that. Later, after I got my UPSR result that is the time when I separate school with my old frens. It is very sad at first because we are too close.. New school are very hard. Seniors are really fierce. But I think positively so I do my best in that school. ++ I got to know some new frens and also first person I really like.. at the first time I see her ( no need to talk about her now, she is not mine =) Soon after that I finish my school.
Next I enter the matriculation. Same thing about my school and this matriculation, we only have malay here. So it easy for me to communicate with all of them. I also start to join some activities here. It is really fun but bcoz a lot of people here, I dont have much time to know all of them. So sorry for that. I dont know why, even in matriculation, I still think that studies is easy.. It is not mean I am pride. But it just what I think about. As a proof, I get an excellent result during my matriculation session..
Lastly, I succeed enter university. I am really proud of it. I am sure my family feel the same too. At first I think it will be easy as matriculation. But this time Im wrong. Life in university is really hard. The subjects, the chapter.. It really can blow out my mind.. + the other work that we must do: quizzes, assignments, reports, presentations, short tests, experiments, projects and most toughest one thesis.. and dont forget final exams.. Thanx GOD for give me the strength to go through all of this..
And finally here I am.. Without I notice and realize, I already finish with the studies. Few days later I will get my scroll for what I have done this whole years and I am proud with it!!