Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finish With New Entry

Just to mention here. My blog start to being visited by spider.. I can saw webs here and there everywhere.. luckily still no termites to eat my entry.. ahakz! Just a metaphore actually.. What I want to say is I cant always update my blog everyday like I do before coz not much can I story rite now.. Just a simple n normal life..

Luckily few days ago my father decide to visit my village near T****** so at last I has something to share. Honestly, only one reason I like to visit my village there. Not bcoz of my grand parent (coz I am too old rite now to "manje2" with them) So the only reason is bcoz I like to meet the cutest sibling aka my kazens!

To be honest and make it clear, me myself dont know actually what is the relationship between me and all of them. So I just consider them as my kazens. Story about them if not mistaken, I know the existence of them when I go back to my village few years ago bcoz my uncle (maybe) suddenly past away.

At that time, all of them still young and just know how to laugh and have fun. So bcoz I really can match with young people especially kids, so from that nite we getting closer. I dont really count but I think all of them is about 11 siblings!! So many rite?? But even there was small at that time, can still have fun with them

But time matured us, I go back to my village and notice that all of them already grown up. So it feel a bit different now. No more jokes, beat and play together. They all look shy when see me. Luckily the eldest N******* A*** still feel comfortable with me. So I end up has a conversation with the eldest.

A lot of things we talk.. From their house that I seen different than before to the education part. But, since that nite they will go back to their grand parent house so I just can see them for a while.. After that, life in village become so bored. Dont know what to do next so decide to sleep and finish with new entry..


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