Thursday, July 8, 2010

Read It With A Smile.. =)

A stalker has found something interesting..

NA: pom! pom! pom! mletop2 awk skrg. hehe
RA: hahaha! giler ke? weh. da la msg xrep!!
NA: tu yg on9 tu, tak topup lg lah. haha ktne tu? hot gila lah u.
RA: aku kat umah la. mn lg. hesh. eley. msg sme f**** bole. weh2 abes la ko. bro majok same kau! hihi
NA: haha ngn die pon aku stop msg aw. nape ma luvly bro majok?? :)
RA: hahaha. cbe ko g page. ko tgk sndr ape yg ko da terlepas. cepat!! hahaha
NA: adoi. :'(
RA: haha mkesure ko xjmpe aku la skang ni smpi bro da maapkn ko. die soh aku ketok pale ko 10x. sbgai denda ko xwish brthday.
NA: hahahaha bole mati aw ketuk pale 10x. takpe, t aku pjuk die. hehe mati mmg mati. rase nk bnuh diri jek, cmne ley lupe nie. adoi ai. :'(
RA: tau xpe. ko g tgk komen2 aku sme die. die berase sugguh kecewa skali. kau xpatot wt die cmtu weh. tak patot. tak patot. haha
NA: huhu nk lepaskn ksedihan kt pntai. ;'(
RA: haha. takde kne mngena ngn pntai. nk g pntai? g la pntai kt nelake. ape nme die weh? lupe plak
NA: actli nk g lpk pntai jp nie, ngn die. huhu sdeyh plak tibe2. :'( adoi..
RA: aik? apesal lak sdey? sbb ko lupe wish bday bro? haha
NA: ye ah huhu besday aku die sharp2 wish aw. adey. ni rse nk bnuh dri nie
RA: haha. abes la kau! ni nk g lepak pntai, jgn bunuh dri pulak!

And the stalker read it with a smile.. =)


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