Monday, April 5, 2010

Finish With It!!

This morning.. wake up early just to continue with the T thing.. And my first plan is settle down the flow diagram. So bcoz of that I refer to the previous paper in other to understand what actually that thing is. It seem ok until I notice something. The values inside the table and the diagram is not synchronize, in simple word.. different!!

So the conclusion is?? All my calculation using that table is all wrong!! Congratz to me! Feel like dying (X_X).. Good news is I realize about it earlier, before submit to my supervisor.. but the bad news, my first plan to settle down all 8 of flow diagrams has to be forgotten coz I cant done it until I settle calculating the value inside the table correctly.

So since 10.00 am I start playing with all the numbers and calculator, laptop, my best fren MS Word and MS Excel and try my best to recalculate all the results as soon as possible. Really stress and I didnt take a breakfast after all. In my mind just one thing : Must settle down all this faster or I cant proceed to the total of 8 flow diagrams thing.

At last about 11.30 am, finally all my calculation finish. Really hungry but if I stop I dont know when this T mood will come again so I decide not to have a lunch and continue with the diagrams. (Crazy thing I done, not eating even I know the risk) But, thanx GOD.. nothing happen to me even I skip my lunch and at last finish with it!!


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