Monday, January 11, 2010

Cant Her Understand ??

Peoples said if we seem very happy, smiling, laughing out loud and we cant control it, it is mean that something we dont like will happen after that. Maybe it is true. I online the internet, checking my facebook account and hei, there is 2 friend request.. I guess who are this two persons that suddenly add me.. Hmm..

First one is my matrix friend, so no problem at all. Just click "accept" and done. Second one.. hmm.. I think that she start forgeting me but it is not actually. The second person that add me is she again. I really not expected it. Why is she? What with her? I ignore her once so why she still want to add me again?

It is already new year.. and rite now I decide to forget her forever. Dont want to think about her anymore. It is enough for me to think about that! What I got, and what I face before this.. it is enough!! Now, I just want to continue my usual day, live my life to the fullest, walk my own path and see what will waiting for me after this.

So even thousand times she add me, it will result with I will ignore her. Seem like very cruel but I dont care about it! What people said, what people think.. I dont care!! I know what I do more than anyone. I want to forget her forever and I really mean it! So.. why cant she do the same? Why still trying? Cant her understand??


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