Thursday, October 29, 2009

I Choose..

My life today start with the happiness. I done with my thesis's proposal.. (Finally), want to pay debt, but ZK said let consider it as a treat, no need to pay.. (Thanx!!), my father bank in some money.. (Thanx a lot!!), eat with MAKZ at secret recipe.. (Delicious), short sms with my sis AA (Funny), have some karaoke (Fun), DO celebrate besday (Congratz!!). Everything seem to be fine until "that person" text me.. just a simple one:

OnCe U ReCeiVeD tHiS sMs
a) CaLL mE iF U LoVe Me
b) MsCaLL iF u CaRe
c) SeND BaCk tHiS sMS iF u LiKe Me
d) seNd mE a JoKe iF u A FrEn
e) Do NotHiNG iF u HaTe Me

Hmm.. what is the reason "that person" send me such sms? What is "that person" expect me to do? To choose? If "that person" think I choose (a), it totally wrong. How about to choose (b), (c) or (d)? At past, it is maybe but after "that person" show it "honesty" to me, say a lot of "nice word" to me and "praise" me a lot, without any regret I choose (e). Sorry to say but my decision is final. So to "that person": I choose to Do NotHinNG !!


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