Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Am I Change??

Week and week.. some of my friends say to me that they think I am change.. Emm.. is it true? Me myself dont know about it. I think I am still me, the same person. So really dont understand what they means by I am change.. Ok2.. let discuss about it in my own opinion..

Physically - For me, in physical.. there is no change.. Same as last year.. But to be honest, I really want to change this. I want to look more fit. Since a lot of people says that I am thin. So of coz I want to increase my weight. Besides, for your info my BMI is 18 only. Really need something to make me become bigger.. haha

Mentally - Em, really not sure about this. But maybe there have some changing in my thinking way. Hey, I am 22 now!! So of coz I want to look more matured with my thinking. It is a time to stop think like a childish and try to think with more rational.

Emotionally - Haha.. to be honest. Some time I dont really understand about what is emotionally? It is a feeling? If it is, what kind of feeling? Hatred? Love? Wateva but if true that it is about feeling, I dont know weither I have change or not.. So later.. Ahaks!!

Personally - Consider as my personality, I think this part really change a lot. When I small, what I wear is depend on my mom choices. But now it is depend from me. What I wear, what I use. And I think now I feel comfortable with my own personality. So it is ok for me then.

Attitude - I am me, but maybe there is some change in it. For this, no one can blame me. I am only human. And my act depend on situation and if there is some changing in my attitude, sure there is a reason. Beside, it is based on my past experience. So please understand this..

So.. there is what I can say about the changing in myself. Maybe there have some that is change. But for me there is nothing wrong to do some changing for ourself. As long it is a change to become the better person rite? Thats all..


Schubert Serenade said...

people change...so do life...things also change in life..kan kr??

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