Sunday, November 15, 2009

Finally Over, Before That..

Huh.. after a hard week, finally it is over.. Em.. now it is time to take some rest and rest.. But thinking of it, am I perform good enough? I hope so.. I sacrifice my sleep time try to memorize everything everyday and everynight.. I hope what I done to face that week is enough. But for now dont want to talk about it anymore.. Let talk about happy things.

So, now is relaxing time.. and time to go back to my hometown (Yeayy!!!) But before that, still have some thing to do.. Enjoy?? haha.. everyday I have enjoyable life so maybe no need to think about it. My clothes? yes!! a lot of clothes need to wash before come home but feel very lazy to do it.. Who want volunteer to help me? Anyone? haha.

Last thing is to go to department and settle some problem about my presentation.. Huh.. I hope it was not to late. Really dont notice about it until the day I came to department to send the cd of my presentation slide.. Hope the sister2 at the office will help me. Hehe.. And after that, my hometown here I come!! Happy holiday!!


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