Friday, December 25, 2009

Hope They Are Just Fine..

All of them are the person I always text before. But, I think there is long time no hear about their story. Just dont want disturbing them. But hope that all of them are in good condition.. Lets meet them..

A - Rite now the only thing that I get from A is goodnite wish. Just that.. No more joking, no more story to share. I dont understand actually, why A keep ignoring me? And run away from me. Have no idea at all. But if A really happy doing all that, it is okay for me then. I just can accept it..

D - D said that I am D bestfriend (it is valid until now?) I think there is long time dont text D. Sorry, but to be honest I dont know how to start text D. Coz before this I always text D so a lot of topics has been discuss so for now I have no idea. Haha. But it is not mean that I forget D. Always remember D. Hee..

F - To make it clearly, F is the person that responsible for the existence of this blog. And for me, F is my mentor in this blog things. Haha.. I remember one things. Last time I text F, I ask one question but until now F still not answer it. So please answer that question ok? Coz I really curious to know.. Haha

Z - My crazy friend, really crazy but for me, Z is a friend that is really friend. In other words, true friend. But the fact is F still crazy. But Z seem quite shy in front of me (shy shy cat maybe)Last time I text Z is before Z go vacation. So where is my souvenier? Dont forget it, and please hurry okay!! Just joking..

So lastly, hope they are just fine..


Lieza Nordin said...

so sweett!! hahaha~ :) *lain bebenor post kau y skrg ngn y thn2 lepas :p

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