Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Story Of E L F

E - Im sure all people outside there will avoid to get E. Why? because get it will cause harmful in their life. And also will cause more troubles. Me myself dont want E in my life. But I must agree with something. Sometimes, when E become the F, It will be the true F than the existence F, and if E become L, Im sure it will be eternal.

L - I dont know too much about L, and still learn about it. But one thing for sure, people always want to find it. They say L will bring happiness. And can make our life complete? Is that true? Maybe sometimes. But losing L will make people losing F. The worse is sometimes, people that losing L will turn the L become the E.

F - For me, F is important in our life. So that why there has a quote says that we can find thousand F but avoid to have E. Totally agree with it. F that become the L has their own pros and cons. Maybe there have happiness and sadness. But the F that turn into E is very dangerous than the E itself. Why? coz they know the weakness of each others.

So why I type all these? Nothing. Just want to share something that running in my mind..


Lieza Nordin said...

aku x fahamm!! >.<

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